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我们的课程 FOR     EVERYONE



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真正的那不勒斯披萨协会 (ASSOCIAZIONE VERACE PIZZA NAPOLETANA,AVPN) 是一家非营利组织,于 1984 年 6 月在那不勒斯成立,并设有法律和运营总部。它的使命是在意大利和全球推广和保护真正的那不勒斯披萨(VERACE PIZZA NAPOLETANA)。

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比萨店不仅仅是生产和销售比萨饼的地方,  一个组织良好的结构,功能空间,一个可用的菜单,原材料分析,营销,目标规划,设备选择和培训,只是整体成功的一部分..


Italian Cooking Class in Sydney

White Art promises to take you on an authentic culinary journey through the heart of Italy with our Italian cooking class. Our courses immerse you in the rich traditions of Italian cuisine. We strive to incorporate modern techniques and sustainable practices. From seasoned professionals to beginners, our Italian cooking classes in Sydney are tailormade for you:


True Neapolitan Pizza

Experience the true essence of Naples. We teach you how to make the world’s most recognised pizza. Not only do we impart essential skills and Neapolitan techniques, but you also receive an AVPN certificate.

Contemporary Pizza

We take you on a journey to explore a new pizza-making era from Biga to Poolish. Find out about the role of sustainability in the future of pizza production. We harmonise tradition with a fresh, healthy approach to cuisine.

Traditional Italian Gelato

Choose this irresistible course for beginners, ice cream enthusiasts, and budding entrepreneurs. You can make natural gelato without chemical premixes for a delightful taste experience.


Our skilled Pastry Chef, Alessandro Bartesaghi, guides you through traditional techniques. Become familiar with the unmatched flavours and aromas of artisanal creations with our Italian cooking class in Sydney.

Gluten-Free Pizza, Focaccia and Bread

For special dietary requirements, we offer a course in gluten-free dough preparation as part of a healthier lifestyle.

Pizza Classica

Are you looking to become a pizza expert? Our course teaches you the basic skills needed to make this classic staple of Italian cuisine.

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Traditional Croissant and Brioche

Chef Alessandro Bartesaghi demonstrates the manual and theoretical aspects of creating exquisite croissants and brioche, from selecting raw materials to perfecting your technique.

Pizza World in a Day

This course makes for a fun-filled day or a memorable team-building experience. Roll up your sleeves for a five-hour journey into the world of pizza.

Italian Culinary Odyssey

White Art stands out when it comes to Italian cooking schools. We provide an unforgettable culinary adventure for an Italian cooking class in Sydney that combines tradition with innovation. Join us in an Italian cooking class and embark on a gastronomic odyssey through the flavours of Italy!

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